
Thought Leadership Content: does length matter?

There’s a common perception that creating thought leadership content means writing long detailed articles. These certainly have their place, but article writing is not the only way to demonstrate thought leadership.

Any type of content that offers insights, expertise or innovative ideas can be considered thought leadership content. This includes white papers, videos, podcasts, and even short social media updates.

Let’s explore the options!

1. White papers

White paper content image

White papers are often used to address industry challenges, propose new approaches or present case studies. They are typically longer than articles and provide the audience with valuable information that helps them better understand complex subjects. They typically combine data, research, and expert opinions to present a well-rounded perspective. A well-crafted white paper can help to position an organisation as an authority on the topic or an innovative problem solver.

2. Videos

Create video content

Visual content is highly engaging and can capture attention more effectively than text alone. Videos allow thought leaders to share their insights and expertise in a dynamic and interactive way. Whether it’s a recorded presentation, a live webinar, or an interview-style video, this type of content offers a personal touch that can connect with audiences on a deeper level. Visual cues, such as body language and facial expressions help convey passion and conviction, enhancing the impact of the message.

3. Podcasts

Podcast for thought leadership

Podcasts provide a platform for thought leaders to discuss industry trends, share their experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations. Podcasts offer a more casual and conversational tone, allowing listeners to feel like they are part of a thought-provoking discussion. Thought leaders can use podcasts to showcase their expertise, provide valuable insights, and build a loyal following.

4. Presentations

Presentations are a great way for thought leaders to shape the narrative around a particular subject, challenge prevailing norms and inspiring new ways of thinking. A well-crafted, engaging presentation combines knowledge, insight and innovative ideas, allowing presenters to position themselves as topic experts. We recommend drafting some short presentations around some key areas of your expertise so that you’re ready to take up invitations to present at related networking events or co-present on webinars.

5. Public speaking opportunities

Presentations and public speaking

Public speaking gigs offer thought leaders similar opportunities to share their expertise with a live audience and build their reputation. Public speaking engagements may also allow for direct interaction and engagement with the audience, fostering meaningful discussions and intellectual exchange.

6. Social updates

Thought leadership on social media

Thought leadership content doesn’t have to be complex or long! Leverage LinkedIn to publish short-form articles, industry insights and thought-provoking status updates that spark discussions. Twitter threads and Facebook posts can also be used to convey bite-sized pieces of thought leadership content, capturing attention and driving engagement within a concise format.

Planning your approach

While well-written, meaty articles can be a good way to demonstrate thought leadership, but the content formats that work best for you will depend on your target audience. If it’s not already captured in your content marketing plan, map out a thought leadership plan that identifies the channels and content formats most likely to reach and engage your intended audience. Your plan should also identify some topic themes likely to be of most interest.

Like most things in business, planning before doing will save you time and money, and make it more likely you’ll achieve a tangible result.

And if articles or white papers are part of your plan, our professional content writers can assist you with topic planning, content writing, or editing the content you’ve created. Contact us to discuss your needs.

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Leonie Seysan is the Director of Article Writers Australia, and manages the team of professional writers and editors. She holds a Bachelor of Communications Degree (Media Studies).

“Succinct, engaging
and accurate”

I’ve worked with the team at Article Writers Australia for over 2 years now. They’ve been instrumental in ensuring our articles and case studies are succinct, engaging, and accurate.

They do feel like they are part of my team – they know us so well I think I could write a brief on a Post-It note.

Fi Arnold, Digital Marketing Manager, Kennards Hire

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