If you’ve recently set up an e-store and the product descriptions on your website are the short descriptions provided by your supplier, enhancing those descriptions can work wonders for your website traffic and conversion rate. If you haven’t rewritten your product descriptions, you’re missing a valuable opportunity. Here’s why:
Duplicate Content
Your supplier has no doubt given those descriptions to a lot of other store operators and if the same content appears on multiple websites, search engines can ignore it.
If your product descriptions are very short, you’re not taking advantage of the opportunity to add search engine optimised content to your website. After all, each of those descriptions is essentially a web page – ones to which you can add content and minor or long tail keywords that can bring visitors to your store.
Selling Opportunity
Do your short product descriptions sell the item? If they offer only a bland description you’re missing an opportunity to get your site visitors excited about the product, suggest its benefits, tell them how it will solve their problem, and convert visitors into buyers.
Writing Product Descriptions
Writing services like ours can write enhanced product descriptions for you but if you need to hang onto your dollars right now and you have reasonable writing skills, why not do it yourself? Don’t be put off by the fact that there are 100 or 1000 to be done – make a start and do a few each day and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that every day you’re doing something to help your website grow. Of course, if you’re in a rush and you hate writing, you should ask us for a quote today!
If you want to learn more about SEO-ing your product pages and using product descriptions to your advantage there’s a great post titled 10 Steps for SEO-ing Product Pages on the Palmer Web Marketing site.