Blog Writing Services & Blog Management

Article Writers Australia offers a range of blog related services, including blog writing, blog management, and contributing author management.

Blog writing services with content updating, performance reporting, and content audit

Keep your blog fresh, audit old content, and continuously improve blog performance with our rolling audit-update-create-track service.

In the corporate and growing SME environments, staff changes and shifting priorities can make it challenging to maintain good content governance and consistent updates on a company blog. Our blog management service helps you achieve that. It also creates the opportunity for continual improvement – making it easier for you to demonstrate content ROI.

How does blog management work?

We combine a rolling content audit with content creation, revision of old posts, and performance tracking, for continual improvement of your blog engagement and search visibility.

What can be included:

  • Rolling content audit
  • Content revisions and updates
  • New topic suggestions/content calendar
  • Blog content writing services
  • Thought leadership level articles
  • SEO keyword research
  • Content optimisation
  • Performance tracking
  • EDM and social update copy to promote blog content

If you currently work with an SEO agency that attends to internal page linking and blog traffic reports, we’re happy to collaborate with them to ensure we’re not duplicating work or stepping on toes! If you don’t use an SEO service, we’ll simply incorporate the relevant tasks into our service.

Our content audit

Our audit is a full quality audit, rather than an audit that’s limited to SEO performance factors.

We’ll be looking for:

  • Underperforming posts
  • Opportunities
  • Outdated, low quality or irrelevant content
  • Content cluster potential
  • Content gaps (topic, persona and buyer journey gaps)
  • Posts that would benefit from extension or revision
  • Other issues we feel should be brought to your attention

Blog writing & content planning

If you don’t need full blog management, you can use our blog writing services alone, or in combination with content planning. The service can incorporate keyword research, topic proposals, and content calendar creation. Alternatively, you can provide briefs for the blog topics you require, on a regular or as-needed basis.

Contributing author management

Do you manage multiple contributing authors for your blog? It’s an excellent strategy to ensure regular content without the cost of producing the content yourself, but managing third party contributors or writers can be a challenge if you’re not a professional editor.  The Article Writers Australia team can help ensure on-time contributions, quality content, and vetting of potential blog contributors.

Diligent review of third party submissions is essential with the increasing uptake of AI wrting tools, and a percentage of users failing to fact check and review the output. This issue has the potential to damage SEO efforts as search engines take further steps to identify and demote this type of content.

Blog writing strategy

Blog management pricing

This service requires tailored pricing as the time involved depends on blog size and publishing frequency, the mix of audit/update/create that you’d like, the performance metrics included, the amount of content planning and writing, and the monthly budget you’d like devote to the project.  It can be based on a set monthly price, or the hours included under a broader retainer arrangement.

Blog writing service pricing

For blog writing and/or content planning prices without full service, please contact us for a tailored quote.

Service prerequisites

For a full blog management service, it’s important that you have a documented content marketing strategy and buyer personas in place. If you don’t have these in place, we can assist in their development.

Our blog copywriters

All AWA blog writers are tertiary qualified, professional writers, and based in Australia. They’re accustomed to interviewing stakeholders and subject matter experts and working with complex topic areas. Our writing team is overseen by a professional editor, who reviews all completed work.

Ready to transform your blog?

Let’s discuss your blog and what you’d like to achieve!  Contact us today to schedule a call.

“Succinct, engaging
and accurate”

I’ve worked with the team at Article Writers Australia for over 2 years now. They’ve been instrumental in ensuring our articles and case studies are succinct, engaging, and accurate.

They do feel like they are part of my team – they know us so well I think I could write a brief on a Post-It note.

Fi Arnold, Digital Marketing Manager, Kennards Hire

Let's see how we can help you